Sunday, March 28, 2010

How I felt when I carrying the torch

Dear Readers

It came and it ended so fast. Before I knew it the Paralympics were over. I have to say the highlight of my trip was sitting in the rain waiting till Chris told me I could get on the street because the torch was coming. My heart started beating 100 miles an hour as I drove on to the street. The man carried the torch down the street and touched it to mine. At that moment in my mind there was nothing but me and the flame. As I drove down the street people gave me thumbs up, took pictures and shouted, “Go Canada Go”! There were no words to describe how I felt. I carried Fernie with me that day. I carried Fernie with me because I had a Griz pin on the side of my wheelchair and I wasn’t supposed to. After a block and a half I saw Katie sitting and smiling. Nothing in the world could rip that smile off her face. I ran up and slowly touched my torch to hers. Everyone shouted our names, took more pictures and clapped. And in an instant Kate was off, running down the street. She was still wearing that smile. I could never have been happier. After that a lot of people came up and said, “Way to go Grace”! I didn’t even know half the people that came up to congratulate me. Everyone seemed to know that we carried the torch. Well I guess that’s because I was still wearing my uniform. I drove back socking wet but I didn’t care. Back at the place that we started at they packaged up my torch and handed it to me. I couldn’t believe it was mine. It is now hanging up on my wall for me to look at everyday. A memory of my great adventure.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Torch Bearing

Dear Readers

Today I ran the torch. It was the most amazing thing I've ever done. It felt good to have everyone cheering my name. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jean Labonté

Dear Readers

Jean Labonté is 40 years old. His hometown is in Hull Quebec. He is 5’11. His left leg was amputated due to bone cancer in 1990. He joined the Sledge Hockey team in 1996. His number is 17 and he is a defense. He said the hardest thing he learned when he first started Sledge Hockey was controlling the sled. After a victory game they have a party in the locker room. Jean said they usually drink lemonade. “We win together or we lose together. It’s really a team sport”. He said. Jean is a software designer. He took a break from that for 8 months to play Sledge Hockey. He said, “I miss my wife and my son. I am usually away for long periods of time and I don’t get to see them often”. I asked him how it made him feel when the Canadians won the hockey game. He said it made him feel great, especially winning in over time. “We might not have that chance to be in the Paralympics again, so I am very excited that we are going”. He said with a huge smile on his face.

Greg Westlake

Dear Readers

On February the 28th Katie and I went to Kimberley to interview the Sledge Hockey team. It was so amazing to see them working so hard at a sport they love so much. When Katie and I met them after the game they were very warm and welcoming. I interviewed Greg Westlake and Jean Labonté. They were very willing to share their stories. Greg Westlake is 23 years. His hometown is in Oakville Ontario. He is 6’2 with his prosthetics on. A birth defect led to amputation of both legs below the knee at 18 months of age. He joined the Sledge Hockey team in 2003. His number is 12 and he is a forward. He told me that the hardest thing he learned when he first started Sledge Hockey was balance. He said that he used to play stand up hockey with his prosthetics and he thought he would be a pro at Sledge Hockey. But he realized that it was much harder than it looks. He had to learn how to play hockey all over again. Greg said that he wanted to follow in his older brothers footsteps. I asked him what are some positives of Sledge Hockey? He said just being able to work with the team and being able to go to the Paralympics. “I’m very excited to go to the Paralympics. It’s a huge honor. I hope we win”. He told me. The team gave Greg the nickname “Hollywood” because he was in the media so much. But he told me his life was not glamorous. After a game he showers, eats and goes to bed. He thanks his family for being supportive of him and is glad that they will be there to watch him at the Paralympics.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jean Labonté and Greg Westlake

Dear Readers

On the 28th of February I went to Kimberly BC to watch and interview the sledge hockey athletes. This is a video of me interviewing Greg Westlake